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Circus                     Curriculum


To provide a dynamic, alternative kinesthetic approach to physical learning utilizing the concepts surrounding physical literacy combined with the acquisition of  intelligent physical arts skills (manipulation, equilibre, acrobatic, aerial, movement) through the constructive use of play and structured games, derived from and tailored to an individual’s physical capabilities.

Developing the physical competences which foster confidence, motivation, knowledge and understanding that provides children and young people with a physical movement foundation suitable for lifelong participation in physical activity: building a physicality that supports the development of children and young people as competent, confident and healthy individuals.


To provide a dynamic, alternative kinesthetic approach to physical learning utilizing the concepts surrounding physical literacy combined with the acquisition of  intelligent physical arts skills (manipulation, equilibre, acrobatic, aerial, movement) through the constructive use of play and structured games, derived from and tailored to an individual’s physical capabilities.

Developing the physical competences which foster confidence, motivation, knowledge and understanding that provides children and young people with a physical movement foundation suitable for lifelong participation in physical activity: building a physicality that supports the development of children and young people as competent, confident and healthy individuals. 


  • Building increasingly complex skill techniques

  • Awareness of the symbiosis between skill, movement, balance and rhythm

  • Development of strategies and compositional ideas

  • Adapting to a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts

  • Development of decision-making, leadership, risk management and presentational skills

  • Selection and application of intelligent physical arts skills (manipulation, equilibre, acrobatic, aerial, clowning and performance) in relation to appropriate contexts and environments.

  • Develop

  • rhythm and tempo

  • strength

  • endurance

  • flexibility

  • spatial awareness

  • shape and dynamics



  • Developing and controlling whole-body skills:movement, agility,

       strength, flexibility, endurance,  spatial 

       awareness, rhythm and tempo

  • Controlling fine manipulation skills: handling equipment and developing movement relevant to the specific intelligent physical arts skill

  • Responding effectively with body and mind to the demands of a physical arts activity



  • Developing and applying imaginative ways to express and communicate ideas, solve problems and overcome challenges

  • Explore and experiment with techniques, tactics and compositional ideas to produce efficient and effective outcomes (spatial awareness, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, shape)



  • Understand how the components of competence combine and contribute to a performance

  • Apply and adjust components to produce effective outcomes

  • Demonstrate the understanding of using whole-body skills - movement, endurance, agility, strength, flexibility, spatial awareness, rhythm, tempo - as part of a performance

  • Develop the ability to critically evaluate their own and other’s achievements

  • Develop and improve outcomes

  • Adjust and adapt when performing in different contexts whether working individually or in groups

  • Understand the nature of success as applied to different activities and contexts



  • Develop awareness of self: physicality - capabilities and limitations

  • Develop awareness of physical activity as an essential component of a healthy lifestyle

  • Building confidence, determination to succeed, mental alertness and ability to deal with emotions

  • Be willing to take part in a range of creative and challenging intelligent physical arts activities, both as an individual and as part of a group

  • Recognise and understand that regular physical activity has the greatest impact on physical, mental and social wellbeing



  • Skills – decision-making, personal and social, leadership, risk - management, presentational and teamwork

  • Attitudes – self-reliance, open-mindedness, show initiative, respect for evidence, pragmatism, commitment to making a difference

  • Qualities – adaptability, confidence, perseverance, determination, flexibility, creativity, motivation, ability to improvise



  • Developing awareness of the connections between an intelligent physical arts activity,humanities, sciences, literacy and numeracy

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the connections between an intelligent physical arts activity,humanities, sciences, literacy and numeracy




Pupils should be able to:

  • Develop a wide range of skills(manipulation, equilibre, acrobatic, aerial, clowning, performance)

  • Explore basic skills, actions and ideas with increasing understanding

  • Refine and adapt skills into techniques and routines

  • Remember and repeat simple skills and actions with increasing control and co-ordination

  • Demonstrate the connection between the mind, physical games and the acquisition of these skills

  • Increasingly develop the necessary precision, control and fluency of the skills

  • Demonstrate the precision, control and fluency of their skill



Pupils should be able to:

  • Select and demonstrate effective strategies and compositional ideas across different creative, physical arts contexts

  • Respond to changing circumstances by refining and adapting ideas and concepts

  • Plan and implement what is necessary to be more effective within a

       performance situation

  • Recognise and demonstrate how to control risk, both individually and within a group



Pupils should be able to:

  • Develop their physical strength, stamina and rhythmical flexibility to cope with the demands of the different intelligent physical arts activities

  • Demonstrate their physical strength, stamina and rhythmical flexibility with regard to the demands of the different intelligent physical arts activities

  • Gain the confidence to at least attempt several different activities

  • Develop the mental strength to succeed; face up to challenges and move forward

  • Express and deal with emotions in a rational and mature manner

  • Demonstrate the desire to achieve success for one-self and others in the grou



Pupils should be able to:

  • Analyse performances, identifying strengths and improvements

These should include:

  • The range and quality of skills

  • The range and effectiveness of content, strategies or compositional ideas

  • The effectiveness of body and mind to respond to the challenges

  • Identifying what strategies would bring about improvement and what actions should be prioritised regarding their own performance and the performance of others

  • Act on these decisions in future performances

  • Be discerning about what they have actually achieved and what they wish to further achieve in their own work

  • Provide constructive feedback to peers

  • Receive constructive feedback from peers




Pupils should be able to:

  • Identify the types of activity that meet their requirements

  • Make informed choices regarding their involvement with an intelligent physical arts activity




The teacher needs to evidence how to,……


  • plan and facilitate the physical arts activities, demonstrating an understanding of the learning styles and paths of the individual students

  • create both an individual and a group dynamic with the students

  • be adaptable and flexible in their approach to teaching the individual intelligent physical arts activities

  • use skills, tactics and compositional ideas across different types and styles of intelligent physical arts activity

  • organise the learning environment to enhance the learning of the students

  • understand and demonstrate their knowledge of assessing and controlling risk

  • present the physical arts activities, ensuring that each individual creates and commands their own space, listens, contributes, whilst remaining positive in their attitude to both their own and the group learnin



Evaluation is required to determine and record individual and group attainment:

  • Attitude, participation, listening, peer support, active atmosphere and dynamics

  • Climate and positive working relationship teacher/students and student/student

  • Involvement of pupils in activity

  • Processes used to achieve the aims of the work

  • Awareness of appropriate tools and strategies used to promote understanding of the task

  • Teacher reflection




  1. ​Current stage of knowledge

  2. ONGOING - Systematic monitoring and interpretation of the teaching and learning processes

  3. FINAL - To determine teaching and learning outcomes have been achieved




Creating the conditions for meta/self-reflection on "how to teach" and ‘how to learn’. 

Reflect on what needs to be done to build the conditions for continuous improvement


  • record reflections relating to the difficulties encountered and potential solutions

  • collect the questions and ideas of students

  • record discussions of children

  • Document the various stages of progress (photos, film) including the final performance

  • Individual pupil assessment.


Documentation can take the form of

  • Logbooks

  • Lesson Plans

  • Video and photos

  • Graphic outcomes




Manipulation: -     Juggling Balls/Clubs/Rings



                                                Spinning Plate

                                                Hula Hoop



                   Equilibre:-           Stilts




                                                Rola Bola

                                                Walking Globe

                   Acrobatic:-          Human               


                                                Acro- Balances


                   Aerial:-                 Trapeze



                   Movement:-        Dance













Allied to a broad intelligent physical arts skill base, games are a well documented,  accessible and a very effective form of learning.

Developing social skills, physical coordination and cognitive understanding of the environment they,…..


  • activate vitality whilst stimulating the physical, emotional, social and intellectual well-being of young people

  • rovide kinesthetic, hands-on and experiential learning

  • reduce stress and provide a healthy outlet for the expression of emotions

  • bring fun, laughter and bonding into the learning environment

  • offer increased motivation for learning and participation

  • timulate imagination and spontaneity

  • ncourage cooperation and collaboration within a creative context





At the end of the Key Stage pupils should be able to

  • demonstrate fundamental movement skills

  • demonstrate awareness of self and mastery of postural patterns

  • assume and consciously control bodily postures using expression and creativity

  • be aware of and be able to organize and communicate their movements spatially -in relation to themselves, to objects and other students

  • become increasingly competent and confident and demonstrate how to access a broad range of physical skill opportunities

  • Demonstrate increased balance, agility and co-ordination

  • Extend their agility, balance and coordination, both individually and within a group

  • Begin to apply these across a diverse range of activities

  • Demonstrate co-operative physical activities, across a range of increasingly challenging situations

  • Begin to demonstrate an understanding between rhythm and physical movement




Dramatize different animals. ( walk, crawl, slither, roll)

Vary tempos and moods of the music to induce imagination

Introduce basic acrobatics (rolls, cartwheels, balances)

Introduce postural games  - Management of space and body.

Working with objects in unconventional ways, in relation to the body and the physical movement

  • ​Juggling Clubs

  • ​Balls

  • Flower sticks


Introduce Mime – relating them to movement and objects

  • ​emotion

  • mood

  • ​physicality

Teacher and Pupil Led


Use Mime to test  different expressions of emotion, mood and physicality

Teacher and Pupil Led

Vary the point of balance of an object, on the body   

Vary the movement using different objects,

Vary the rhythm

Obstacle courses   

Create multiple variants

Creative use of objects coupled with physical movement to deliver a playful experience and narrative that opens up the imagination.

Vary the tempo and mood of the music

Encourage the use of space,  vary position of the body (Horizontally and Vertically)

Devise obstacle courses and variants


Creative use of objects coupled with physical movement to delivering a playful experience and narrative that opens up the imagination.

Use Mime to test different expressions of emotion, mood and physicality

Teacher and Pupil Led




At the end of the Key Stage pupils should be able to

  • Continue to learn, develop and apply a broader range of skills

  • Know how to use the skills in different ways linking them to creative actions and movement sequences.   

  • Develop further flexibilitystrength, technique, control and balance

  • Demonstrate understanding of spatial orientation, coordinated movement, precise manipulation 

  • Develop an understanding of how to improve across different physical activities whilst learning how to recognise and evaluate their own success.

  • Check and manage the breathing, relaxation.

  • Develop the ability to adjust posture during balance excercises

  • Participate actively and enthusiastically in team work

  • Evaluate and adjust their capacity in relation to the given motor tasks, managing risk, controlling the safety of themselves and others.

  • Using backing tracks and rhythms, use the body in a creative and expressive manner - communicating intent

  • Perform choreography using a range of movement patterns and object manipulations

  • Compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement

  • Demonstrate increased understanding of rhythm in relation to physicality







Walk through time and space, changing direction, plane (Vertical, horizontal) body shape and size

Walk through time and space, with variations, using different body supports, use commands - freeze, buddha! Exercise with objects to create understanding of balance  

Walk through time and space, with variations,  freely dramatizing the movement or gesture  (emotional experience) Individually or in small group

Walk through time and space, using  juggling props of varying difficulty - singularly or in pairs

Exercises to correct posture, create strength, effect a group dynamic - human pyramids in pairs small group, large group

Exercises to create strength,  effect a group dynamic, manage   balance within the various postures: (human pyramids in pairs)

small groups, large groups.

Exercises to correct posture, create strength, effect a group dynamic. (human pyramids in pairs)

small groups, large groups.

Create human pyramids whilst using  small objects (balls, clubs)

Emphasis on both creativity and technique

Games and exercises using musical rhythms to emphasize correct body positions and dictate movement

Games and exercises using musical rhythms  and equilibristic objects.  Use both as preparatory and a wider technical approach. (Use the music as a facilitator to develop understanding of risk and self control )

Use different rhythms to control movement and pauses.

Games and exercises using rhythms to facilitate emotional expression, mime and drama of metaphorical figures.

Games and exercises using rhythms to facilitate  concentration and the manipulation of juggling object - Individual exercise

Games to develop   perception and understanding of floor exercises.

Falls, exercises to assist with risk management and confidence


Exercises exploring height, using mats to facilitate and manage the various emotional and physical heights needed to support the use of  equilibristic objects.  

Performance using comic falls, curtains or mazes using mats


Curtains to appear and disappear.

Exercises demonstrating the use of mats in preparation for the use of inclined planes.


Simple manipulation of  equilibristic objects.  Creative Choreography with  equilibristic objects

(Walking on the tightrope. Musical

walk on ball. Developing various means of travel,

unicycle, using facilitators. Walking with stilts of varying heights)

Use Games to approach aerial  and acrobatics.  Use games as  technical tools

And exercises with  aerial  and acrobatic  objects.

Use creative  and choreographic games/exercises  alongside aerial  and acrobatics objects.

(trapeze, tissue

Games to assist dramatizations of performances.

Devising original styles and comic situations.

Games and choreography which reflect the characterization of the emotional states

Manipulation of  juggling objects

Creative use of objects

Technical exercises with  use of objects

Creating simple choreography with the use of objects

Individually or in pairs




At the end of the Key Stage pupils should be able to

  • Build on and further embed the physical development and skills introduced in key stages 1 and 2

  • Demonstrate a broader competence, confidence, motor co-ordination and expertise.

  • Apply techniques across a wider range of physical activity

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the long-term health benefits of taking part in an intelligent physical arts skill activity

  • Use and transfer skills to develop and enact a physical performance.

  • Use the explored movements to solve new or unusual physical situations.

  • Know and apply simple techniques of body expression to represent ideas and moods; as an individual, in pairs and in a group.

  • Participate in propositional game choices and implement collaborative behaviors.

  • Adapt to handle situations in a conscious way with self-control and respect to others

  • Use and store equipment properly, safeguarding their own and others’ safety

  • Understand and apply techniques to control breathing and muscle relaxation at the end of their work.

  • Take part in intellectual and physical challenges and be encouraged to work within a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group

  • Demonstrate what makes a performance effective- applying these principles to their own and others’ work.

  • Analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement

  • Understand and demonstrate the symbiosis between rhythm, physicality and characterisation





Games creating movement in small or large group  which emphasise space and time; create strategies which correspond  to the performance   of varying difficulty and increasing complex movement


Games which use bodyweight and   objects to create   balances.

Combination of technical and creative games conducive to the care of the individual and a group.


Games creating movement within a small or large group which emphasize  space and time.

Creation of strategies which relate to a performance  of varying difficulty and increasing complexity

The further use of manipulation objects in a creative way

Exercises to facilitate posture, the use of force, effect management and care of the others within the group: human pyramids in pairs, in small groups, in large group of complex type. (Use mats for safety)

Introduction of   choreographic and  dance elements 


Use  choreography,   introducing emotional expression, mime and dramatic episodes based on metaphorical figures

Use choreography to  introducing  and manipulate juggling objects

Technical exercises pertaining to  acrobatics and aerial objects. 

Creative choreographic exercises with objects (trapeze, fabric, rope, hoop)

Develop complete routines, individually and duos; evaluating  risk and complexity of exercises.

(use of large mats for safety)

Choreography with  balance objects.

(perform acrobatic routines on the tightrope  

Walk on ball, using juggling objects, passing and exchanging   different types of balance.

Individually or in pairs.

Choreograph complex routines with unicycles.

Walk, skip, hop jump with stilts of different heights.   

Individual and collective evaluation of the activities of the risks involved and the complexity of exercises and progressive degree of technical nature.

Individual and group performances   manage emotions and bodily expressiveness

Invention of original  comic styles and situations.

Technical progression in the manipulation of juggling  objects.

Creating complex individual and group choreography, using varying rhythms.  

Creative use of objects




Lesson Plan

Duration: 2 hours



1:  Warm-up - Establish  dynamic

20 minutes

Introductory warm-up games; children share the proposals of the teacher for the lesson.

Presentation of circus skills using introductory games   and "object" manipulation. 


2 :  Discovery - Objects

40 minutes

Organize the environment

  • circuits

  • stations

  • large group

  • small groups

Teacher led discussion to develop understanding


  • time-lines

  • technical exercises.

Discussion and selection of various activities of a unique practical character   

Teacher analysis and observation  


3:  Initial assessment 

20 minutes

The manipulation of objects:  

  • ​Controlled

  • in free play


Important to ensure a  supportive environment, free from impositions or excessive demands

Using games, test the assigned tasks and materials

Demonstration of skills.



  • what went well

  • what needs to be changed

  • revision of activities


4:  Creating a performance / large group

30 minutes

Sharing the performances with the whole group paying attention to    

  • social aspects

  • cooperative activities


Teacher co-ordinates and directs the choices, paying attention to

  • organizational factors

  • safety and materials

  • supporting the students


Practicing with objects.  Organizing the story using the objects.

Drawing pictures, writing ideas, group discussion – large group

Task: draft an outline of the final script which is consistent and homogeneous

Rehearse, choosing music, devising choreography,  adding additional performance suggestions.

Presentation to the public.



Warm down  


10 minutes

Warm down games  

Teacher led discussion/reflection of lesson

Reorganization of the space and objects.

Relaxing and calming games 

Group discussion

  • in the gym

  • in the classroom

  • individual reflection - written or drawn(particular emphasis to be placed on the skills acquired in the comparison group)












Introduce, using games

  • basic physical skill concepts.

  • circus based ground skills

  • Use Mime to test  different expressions of emotion, mood and physicality

  • Teacher and Pupil Led

  • Initial assessment of

  • students abilities and attitudes

  • manipulation and physical skills

  • the beginnings of team work

Warm up – Game


Demonstration of

  • ground equipment

  • basic equilbre and

body skills


Warm down - Game

Box equipment

  • Juggling balls

  • ​Rings

  • ​Balls

  • Cigar Boxes

  • ​Flower sticks

Skipping Ropes

Games List

Gym Mats




Re-visit and re-enforce basic skills

Introduce, Explain and dis­cuss god working practice to achieve, maintainand improve skill levels

Introduce basic Perfor­mance skills

Setting first goals for achievement

Basic understanding of how to achieve goals

Display understanding of the process of achieve­ment

Physical Warm up

Re-visit basic skills, (Ma­nipulation, Equilibre, Aerial, Acrobatic) correcting tech­nique

Group discussion

Personal evaluation

Warm down Games

Box equipment



Rola Bola

Rolling Globe


Aerial - Trapeze

Drama Games


Re-visit and re-enforce

  • basic physical skills

  • circus skills

  • ​movement skills


Introduce  Equilibre skills


  • Walking Globe

  • ​Stilts


First goals for achievement



  • physical skills

  • circus skills

  • ​movement skills


Show willingness to

  • ​be involved

  • ​share knowledge


Warm up - Game


Re-visit basic skills,

Correcting technique

Group discussion to assess

pupil understanding


Warm down - Game


Box equipment

Games List


Walking Globe

Skipping Ropes

Gym Mats



  • physical skills


Introduce further equilibre skills


  • Rola Bola

  • Tightrope​

Students can

  • Show and demonstrate confi­dence in their ability to choose an indi­vidual skill

  • Show beginnings of

  • greater self awareness/self confidence


Warm up – Game


Correcting tech­niques of

basic skills,


Group game – Skipping


Warm down - Game


Box equipment

Games List

Skipping Ropes


Walking Globe

Rola Bola


Gym Mats




  • Stilt Walking

  • Simple combinations of Manipu­lation/equilibre

Re-enforce good workingpractice

Can begin to show

  • How to combine skills i.e. manipu­lation –equilibre

  • greater awareness/self confidence



Manipulation/physical warm-up



  • next level of skill bases

  • how skills can be combined 




Warm Down game


Box equipment


Skipping Ropes


Rola Rola

Walking Globe


Games List

Gym Mats




Re-visit and re-enforce introduced circus skills

  • Box Equipment

  • ​Stilts

  • Rola Bola

  • Walking Globe

  • ​Manipulation


Can talk about and show

  • existing learnt skills

  • the ability to com­bine skill sets


Physical Warm up

Supervised skill practice



Warm Down Game

Box equipment

Skipping Ropes



Rola Bola

Walking Globe


Games List

Gym Mats




Introduce Skills

  • ​Movement

  • ​Physical Control

  • Clowning


Expand existing skills sets


Set higher achievement goals


Can show

  • How to combine skill sets

  • understanding of working together


Manipulation/physical warm-up


Supervised skill practice

Share a skill with class


Skipping - greater complexity - Double Dutch


Warm Down Game

Box equipment

Red Noses

Skipping Ropes


Rola Rola

Walking Globe


Games List

Gym Mats




Re-visit/re-enforce skills

  • ​Manipulation

  • ​Equilibre

  • ​Physical Control

Further develop existing skills 


Re-visit clowning skills

Can talk about and show

  • an aquired skill

  • how to combine skills


Can show

  • Body awareness

  • ​Understanding of body control

  • Awareness of safety issues

Physical Warm-up


Supervised skill practice


Group discusion: how to

show what they can do




Warm Down Game

Box equipment

Red Noses

Skipping Ropes


Rola Bola

Walking Globe


Games List

Gym Mats




  • ​Transversal skills


Re visit

  • ​Basic skills

  • perfor­mance skills

Develop further existing skills 

Set higher achievement goals

Further develop a sequence

Can talk about and show

  • how to make a sequence

  • show control and safe practice

  • Mind–body connection


Manipulation/physical warm-up


Supervised skill practice


Sharing with peers a short sequence


Warm Down Game

Box equipment

Red Noses

Skipping Ropes



Rola Bola

Walking Globe



Games List

Gym Mats




  • Practice sequence

  • present sequence

  • show,­ self-awareness, confi­dence and skill

Can talk about and demonstrate

  • self - control. self-discipline and understanding of the elements they are using

  • ​how to improve their sequence

  • perform sequence

  • skill techniques

  • Combining different skills


Manipulation/physical warm-up


Rehearse and perfect sequence


Assessment and discussion regarding their sequence


Warm Down Game

Box equipment

Red Noses

Skipping Ropes



Rola Bola

Walking Globe


Games List

Gym Mats




To present an informed and skillful performance of their sequence to an audience of their peers.


Can show

  • a clear under­standing of their what they are trying to achieve with their sequence

  • an ability to listen

  • self confidence

  • ​self discipline

  • mind-body connection

  • Physical literacy

  • Physical Intelligence


Performance warm up


Lead discussion and ass­essment of sequence presentation


Evaluate and discuss  sequence presentation


Warm down

Box equipment

Red Noses

Skipping Ropes



Rola Rola

Walking Globe



Games List

Gym Mats










Introduce (using Games),

  • basic physical skill concepts.

  • circus based ground skills

  • team work

Initial assessment  of

  • students abilities and attitudes

  • manipulation and physical skills

  • start to develop team work


Warm up – Game


Demonstration of

  • ground equipment

  • basic equilbre and body skills

  • ​control


Warm down - Game

Box equipment

  • Juggling balls

  • ​Rings

  • ​Hoops

  • Cigar Boxes

  • ​Balls

Skipping Ropes

Games List

Gym Mats





  • Basic physical/circus skillsSkipping


  • basic equilibre skills - Walking Globe - Tightrope



Set first goals for achievement


  • basic understanding of the achieve­ment process 

  • beginnings of understanding the mind body connection

Warm up - Game


Re-visit basic skills - correcting tech­nique


Group discussion to assess pupil understanding


Warm down - Game


Box equipment- Games List-Tightrope-Walking Globe-Skipping RopesGym Mats



  • physical skills

  • good working practice



  • Rola Bola

  • ​Rolling Globe


Set challenges to increase

skill competency

Students can

  • demonstrate confi­dence in their ability to choose, practice and demonstrate an indi­vidual skill

  • define and demon­strate higher achievement targets

  • beginnings of greater self awareness/self confidence



Warm up – Game


Correcting tech­niques of

basic skills,


Group game - Skipping

Warm down - Game

Box equipment-Games List-Skipping Ropes-Tightrope-Walking Globe-Rola Bola-Unicycle-Gym Mats




  • Basics of Risk Management

  • Stilt Walking

  • principle of combining skills i.e. Manipu­lation/Balance


Re-enforce good working practice

Can begin to define and demonstrate

  • ability to combine skills i.e. manipu­lation –equilbre

  • a basic understanding of risk management

  • higher achievement targets

  • greater self awareness/self confidence

  • a basic awareness of Physical Literacy 


Manipulation/physical warm-up



  • next stage of skill base

  • how skills can combine to assist sequences


Warm Down game

Box equipment-Stilts-Skipping Ropes-Unicycle-Rola Rola-Walking Globe-Tightrope-Games List-Gym Mats




Re-visit/re-enforce basic circus skills

  • Box Equipment

  • ​Stilts

  • ​Hoops

  • Rola Bola

  • Walking Globe

  • ​Manipulation

To engender a discussion regarding the elements of good working practice re­quired to achieve, maintain and improve all skill levels


Can verbalize and demonstrate

  • learnt existing skills

  • the ability to com­bine skills

  • the connection between achieved skill and physical awareness

  • a growing awareness of Physical Literacy 


Physical Warm up


Group Discussion: Creating a sequence


Supervised skill practice


Warm Down Game

Box equipment-Skipping Ropes-Stilts-Unicycle-Rola Bola-Walking Globe-Tightrope-Games List-Gym Mats




  • Basic Aerial Skills

  • ​Movement Skills

  • Basic Clowning Skills


Expand existing skills sets - set higher achievement goals


Can demonstrate

  • a basic sequence combining two or more skill sets

  • further understanding of team work

  • understanding of risk management


physical warm-up

Supervised skill practice

Sharing with class a created sequence

Warm Down Game

Box equipment-Red noses-Skipping Ropes-Unicycle-Rola Rola-Walking Globe-Tightrope-Trapeze/strops-Games List-Gym Mats




Re-visit/re-enforce skills

  • ​Manipulation

  • ​Equilibre

  • Acrobatic


Set higher achievement goals

Can create, demonstrate and verbalize

  • a sequence with greater competency, self discipline and confidence

  • an awareness of physical literacy and it’s implications

  • control and risk management

Physical Warm-up


Supervised skill practice


Discussion: developing and expanding the sequence


Warm Down Game

Box equipment - Red Noses - Skipping Ropes - Unicycle-Rola Bola-Walking Globe-Tightrope-Trapeze/strops-Games List-Gym Mats





Re visit

  • ​Manipulation skills

  • ​Movement skills

  • Perfor­mance skills


Set higher achievement goals


Further develop a sequence


Can demonstrate

  • an under­standing of the creation pro­cess

  • verbalize the processes involved in creation of a sequence

  • control and risk management


Manipulation/physical Warm-up



  • trampette technique


Supervised skill practice


Sharing with class a created sequence


Warm Down Game - Box equipment - Red Noses - Skipping Ropes - Stilts - Unicycle - - Rola Bola - Walking Globe - Tightrope - Trapeze/Strops - Games List - Gym Mats



Rehearse sequence 


Present an informed, skillful performance, show­ing self-awareness, confi­dence and skill

Can demonstrate

  • an ability to organise and present a sequence

  • self - control. self-discipline and


  • objective assessment of the priorities required to im­prove a sequence

  • performing sequence fluently, skillfully and precisely

  • control and risk management





Rehearse and perfect sequence

Assessment and discussion:

How to develop a sequence


Warm Down Game - Box equipment - Red Noses - Skipping Ropes - Stilts - Unicycle - Rola Bola - Walking Globe - Tightrope - Trapeze/Strops - Games List - Gym Mats





To present an informed and skillful performance of their sequence to an audience of their peers.


Can demonstrate

  • a clear under­standing of the effect of their sequence on their peers

  • an ability to listen

  • responsiveness to construc­tive criticism

  • objectivity about their achievements

  • effective evaluation of the strengths and weakness in their sequence

  • a clear understanding of whatphysical literacy involves.


Performance warm up


Lead discussion and

ass­essment of sequence presentation


Evaluate and discuss all

ele­ments of the sequence presentation


Warm down

Box equipment - Red Noses - Skipping Ropes - Stilts - Unicycle - Rola Rola - Walking Globe -Tightrope -Trapeze/Strops - Trampette - Games List - Gym Mats

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